Saturday, 11 July 2009

Unexpected Photos in Thailand

The reasons that I had to leave Thailand are shown in the photos below. 2 photos that I didn't expect to have taken when I last set out on this adventure.

A chest X-ray showing my right clavicle (collar bone) broken in two places and displaced. This was repaired in Thailand but as the surgeon used a thin, shitty plate it later re broke straight though the plate, on the day that I was flying back to the UK. This all lead to another operation in Rotherham District General Hospital, where a huge-proper plate was put in.

On this one you can see the big sack of blood that shouldn't be there (that big white blob on the left hand side - which is the right side of my brain). This Extradural Hemorrhage (also know as a brain fart follow through!!) was from an arterial bleed from one of two skull fractures. The CT is crappy quality so to give you a better idea of the size of the's about the volume of my fist or a small apple.

Thankfully the brain surgeon and hospital were fantastic so I survived this usually fatal injury. They tinkered with my brain though a big peace of skull that was cut out and put back (Skull Flap Craniotomy) and I turned out 'normal'. Well, I came out of it as ab-normal as I've always been.

I owe a few thanks to surviving this. Firstly to Camille who luckily found me on the road shortly after the accident and ensured that the ambulance took me to the right place and not to the hospital with the really bad rep. A big thanks to all the doctors and nurses in Bangkok-Samui Hospital. And to all who visited and watched/baby sat me each night when I was on the ward..........fuck, I sound like I'm receiving an Oscar!

This seems like a grim place to start this blog, but it means that the blog can only get better/happier!!

Oh and to answer the usual questions that I get about this accident:
  1. No - I was not pissed, not even had a drink, even though it happened on my 30th birthday, I was just heading out to start the night off.
  2. No - I did not have a helmet on, stupid I know!
  3. No - It was not my fault, it happened because of a Thai lady who turned straight in font of me.....without looking/indicating. Normal practice in Thailand.

Take care.
